Grab your money by the mindset, and other lessons for women seeking financial liberation from author Barbara Huson

Nancy Lord
10 min readNov 4, 2019
standing female figure with right fist raised in the air, silhouetted by a sunlight open sky
Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash

Where I live in the U.S., summer is in the rearview mirror and winter is on the horizon yet there’s no change in sight for this open-season on women. It feels like my sisters and I are banging our collective heads against walls everywhere we turn in this society where women’s rights to mind, body, respect, dignity, and a dollar for a dollar’s work is still a radical notion.

Last spring, a teacher of mine told me about Barbara Huson’s writing and teaching which focuses on empowering women to overcome under-earning and achieve high-earning and more financial power. I am a feminist, a woman business owner with a lot of clients who are also women leaders, a mother of two daughters, and a social and political activist for women’s and girls’ rights. And I am also a woman who has fit the “underearner” label at many points along my 25-year career path so far. Since becoming a business owner five years ago, I have developed a voracious appetite for learning about the forces that shut off women’s access to financial power and building my knowledge about what women can do to counteract those forces and achieve economic empowerment and financial dignity. I was very interested in learning from Huson on the topic of women’s financial power through the lens of…



Nancy Lord

I write to witness, behold, and wrangle some sense out of the wonders, weirdnesses, and wilds of being human. Off the page: founder @asanaconsulting